Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I kept looking back at this one poem that I found in Tocqueville. It was called "Airporter." It was relatively short in comparison to the majority of the rest, However, it felt as though it was displaying such defined emotion. The women of which the person speaks of seems as though they are a physical escape to what the main person wants to avoid thinking about. The women is nothing less but a distraction to the emotional pain that the man feels. The man also turns to addictive substances such as alcohol and cigarettes to quench his numbness.

In the poem their is a verse that says "The moon digs its way out of the dirt." which could mean that the dirt from destruction has finally started to settle and one can now see the moon it had taken so long. The emotion the guy is feeling could still be fresh. It could still require to be numbed in any way he can think of.

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