I was looking over some of the stories that our new packets had. While I did look at most of the fiction packet I truly felt emotion while looking at two in particular. These two I felt that I could understand even without ever being in the same situation.
As lazy as it may seem Survivors, the first poem in the packet, was one of the two. while looking at the other stories, Kim Addonizio's kept popping into my mind. I felt as though I could get some real understanding of the frustration of the situation. It spoke volumes that the first guy thought so deeply on the idea of loosing someone he deeply cares about. The idea of facing problems that would come along without the one he loved made him beg to die before his lover.
The man knows that the people that would come along after his lover's death would only bring him more pain than help. The people that once were so against their love would be all around him and he wouldn't be able to take this pain without his boyfriend. However, this would also indicate that he felt that his boyfriend was tougher in the aspect of loosing a loved one. The first guy probably also thought that his own family wouldn't be such a hassle to deal with. This story does make me question why the guy was thinking of their deaths. Were they sick or in an area of danger? It left me with questions, which is why it took my attention.
The second story that caught my attention was the Walking the Baby to the Liquor Store. The name alone made me stop and say "Wait, what?" I admired that the author used the clever name to capture attention. The story itself brought a smile to my face. The idea that a parent would give up time from work to care for the child warmed my heart. To me the parent felt like a man, due to the liquor store, but it just as easily could have been a woman. I suppose that was the point though, the gender isn't important, the happiness of the child is the only thing that matters. No matter what others may think, say, or do, it is worth it to have that child smile out of joy. Work is nothing in comparison the responsibilities of family and this is what the story told of. The writing demonstrated what it takes sometimes to care for a kid. Sometimes you can slack on the job, but when being a parent, the option isn't their.
nice work here...